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Information on Extension of Tuition Fee/UKT Payment Period for Old Students of Surabaya State University Can be Downloaded
Information on Extension of Tuition/UKT Payment Period for Old Students of Surabaya State University Can be Downloaded
Information regarding the Opening of the Exclusive TEP Acceleration Program and One Day Weekend can be downloaded here
Information regarding the Decree of the Chancellor of Surabaya State University, Number: 955/UN38/HK/KU/2023 concerning the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) for Masters and Doctoral Program Students at Surabaya State University for the 2023/2024 Academic
Notified to all students of the Masters and Doctoral Programs at the Surabaya State University Postgraduate School (secondary and new), to immediately fill in complete data for the process of making Student ID Cards (KTM). The link to fill in the
Merdeka Learning Merdeka Campus is a policy that aims to encourage Indonesian students to master various knowledge and skills that are useful for increasing competitiveness and portfolios to become quality graduates and ready to compete in the fut