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Information Regarding the Opening of the Exclusive TEP Acceleration Program (March 2024) can be downloaded
Inauguration and First Lecture for New Students of the Postgraduate School, State University of Surabaya, Even Semester, Academic Year 2023/2024 with the theme "Improvement HR Quality in the Era of A
Information Regarding the Opening of the Exclusive TEP Acceleration Program (February 2024) can be downloaded here
Information regarding the extension of the UKT payment period for Surabaya State University students can be downloaded here< /a>
Proses Pengurusan Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM) Plus ATM dari Bank Jatim bagi Mahasiswa Magister dan Doktor angkatan 2023/2024 dapat diunduh
Informasi terkait Surat Wakil Rektor Bidang Hukum, Ketatalaksanaan, Keuangan, Sumber Daya dan Usaha Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Nomor: B/6217/UN38.II/TU.00.02/2024 tentang Pengumuman Pembayaran UKT Mahasiswa Pascasarjana dapat diunduh